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Daffodil Hill

Each Spring there is a small family run farm up in the foothills that opens up to the public for a few weeks when the spring flowers are in bloom. Over the years the family has planted over 300,000 daffodil bulbs and named the hill “Daffodil Hill”. When approximately 25% of the blooms are out they open up the farm to the public and remain open until about 25% of the blooms remain. This usually equates to about 3 to 4 weeks in total. There’s plenty of parking for the large crowds that show up and it is free to visit. I’d never been before so I thought I’d check it out.

The hill opened up on March 20th, and I visited on the 27th. I arrived early hoping to beat some of the crowds I’d read about. It can get pretty crowded and taking some photos might be an issue unless you want to have a lot of strangers blocking the flowers. It all worked out and I was able to walk the property and take some photos without any issues. I can’t comment on how many of the flowers were in bloom, but the hill looked full. It was a nice, relaxing couple of hours spent wandering around the property.

As fate would have it, two days after visiting the hill we had a late winter storm come in and dump about 8 inches of snow on the farm. It killed all the blooms and the farm closed for the season. 9 days is all it lasted this year.

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