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Winter Wonderland

This is our 3rd winter here in Oregon. Our first winter we had no snow and very little cold or rain. Everyone said it was an unusual winter. Last year we had similar weather with the exception of one day of snow early in January. Again, not normal according to those that have lived in the area for a while.

This winter we’ve had 4 different snow “events” over the past 30 days. This last “event” dumped nearly a foot of snow. Once again, we’re hearing that this isn’t normal. At this point I don’t have a clue as to what a normal winter should be.

The Portland area isn’t set up for this type of snow so it’s been rough going for travelers and businesses. I’ve had a few unscheduled days off due to the weather. The good news is that I’m getting really good at installing chains.

The snow stopped falling early Wednesday morning, but it will be hanging around for another few days as the highs won’t get into the 30’s until Monday or Tuesday. In the meantime, we’ll enjoy it as much as we can.

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