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Craters of the Moon

The morning after our tour of Yellowstone we had planned on getting up early to go back to the park or maybe go over to Tetons National Park, but we were all pretty tired from the day before so we ended up sleeping in a bit. Rather than squeeze in a rushed visit we decided that we’d make plans to come back again on another weekend and take our time.

Rather than driving back home via the main highway we decided to take a smaller highway back that traveled through the hills taking us by Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve. I’d been to similar parks in Northern California, but since the girls hadn’t seen something like this and it gave us a break from the drive we decided to stop and take a look.

We spent about 2 hours driving around the park taking some time to get out and walk along some of the shorter trails. It was pushing 100 degrees and the black lava rocks didn’t help so the walks were kept to a quick photo opp and then back into the car to cool down.

Despite the heat it was a fun stop and made the drive home feel shorter. All in all, we spent about 27 hours total in the car over the weekend, but everyone had a good time and are looking forward to the next trip.

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