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Wenatchee Mushroom Hunting

At the beginning of June I finally had some long awaited time off and we decided to spend a week in Washington up near the San Juan Islands in Anacortes. We’ve taken a lot of quick road trips on weekends over the last couple of years, but taking almost 2 weeks off was a nice break.

The drive to Anacortes is about 9 hours or so. Rotchana had been looking forward to looking for mushrooms on the trip and friends told her that the Wenatchee area was a good spot to look so we stopped for a couple of hours to let her give it a try.

We found an area near Wenatchee Lake and went for a walk for about an hour looking for mushrooms. We found a few, but they were mostly rotted out or not edible. We didn’t hit the mother lode, but we had a nice hike and it broke up the drive.

We finally made it to Anacortes around 9:00pm just in time to see the sunset. We went to sleep shortly after that looking forward to sleeping in and starting our week in Washington.

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